What is on your schedule today: how do you know how to plan your years according to Jesus Christ and his terms and conditions 

There is no insight no plan that can succeed against the Lord. Proverbs 21

It’s in there somewhere. Somehow the writer of Proverbs is speaking to us. 

That’s why when you make plans, you need to be careful about what you want to do! Buying headphones is an example, I buy them every six months. But that is not the point. 

Here’s my point: we can make plans for our days, but whatever plans we do make cannot succeed against the Lord. 

Even our president knows this! He is in the word of God! Jesus said don’t judge by merely human appearance and by human rules. Rather, judge by what is in a person’s heart! 

Fake news has been around since the garden of Eden, whereas I need to start marking my bible in such a way that when a Jehovah's Witness comes knocking at the door of my soul, I am prepared to tell them the Real Truth behind the good news of the true gospel of Jesus Christ!

So, please pray for me that I have my bible marked in the fashion. So true. 

So, like I said, be careful about what you plan and how you make your plans. For there is absolutely no plan that can succeed against the Lord our God! 



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