Being at risk: How to not rely on our own wits to pray through the tough things with our friends and family

A few months ago, one of my friends was really far from God and was struggling.
I thought about, talked about and worried about my friend's struggles a lot! But thinking, talking and worrying is not the same as praying. 
So I decided to do two things for my friend: I mailed her a bible and I ramped up my prayer life. The bible package was not as easy as the prayers though, but both did work, praise God!
But, there were days I felt like God was not hearing my prayers. Have you ever tried praying someone through a messy complicated situation and have not seen answers right away? I know it's hard but, do know with confidence God hears your prayers. Trust that he is working out the difference even when you don't see the difference. And tell fear that it has no place in this conversation with God!

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