
Showing posts from September, 2019

What God wants in our lives... He wants it ALL! I suggest you surrender your life NOW!

What is happening here? Not your average ordinary social media post, that’s what! My writer has a point!  Who or what is your rock of refuge today and everyday?  Thy will be done Blessings!

Spiritual Gifts Assignment: Try this for yourself and see what God has in store just for you!

Tatiana Grubb's Gifts,  are mentioned here. Try taking the assessment and see for yourself. Blessings!

Changing Our Secular Culture Can Be Quite Difficult: How One Movie Star's Story Can Change Your Life and Mine

What the 24 hour news cycle says about our world today. And.. What can we do to change it? I pray you are blessed by each post and are actively engaging our secular culture to change it for Christ. Blessings!