
What Chasing our Savior is all about: How one singer's story can change everything if you allow it to

“So, I’m not after the world, I’m after you!” -Britt Nicole It seems unlikely to be after Jesus, but, the truth is, we as Christians, need to be after only Him!   May you find truth and biblical meaning behind this song and its story, I pray!   What will you do to chase right after your Lord today?

Culture Changing Christians: How we shouldn’t be arguing over politics 

I have a question. Why are we arguing about this next election year and season? Read the article for yourself, and tell me what you think by commenting below.

Toxic Waste Dump: On people? I thought toxic waste was just waste by itself?

How sick does someone have to make you, before you can realize they are toxic?   How do you observe your behavior towards people who are toxic? Look in the bible for examples. Pray that helps. Blessings!

Tatiana and her reality story: why life is going downhill from where I started!

If you could let the pain of the past go, none of this is in your control.  This song is really helping me through whatever I am going through. Blessings!

Truth is Truth: There is no other Truth

You make me brave!   This song by Bethel, is one of my favorites as I face my adversaries. Adversaries come up in many different forms.   Some come because you are being falsely accused by so-called Christians who don't know the word of God and make assumptions about what you are doing, thinking you are making things up. Others, come because you DID do something wrong and, as a result, you need to pay the consequences. Gossip is not an option in the kingdom. Resist the temptation to gossip or to criticize one another. I hope and pray that this teaches you a valuable lesson. Blessings!

What God wants in our lives... He wants it ALL! I suggest you surrender your life NOW!

What is happening here? Not your average ordinary social media post, that’s what! My writer has a point!  Who or what is your rock of refuge today and everyday?  Thy will be done Blessings!